Me: Oh, do you listen to Deadmau5 (pronouncing it like it looked)
Killian: (dead silence, then finally...) This is my face. This is my palm. They're meeting. (facepalming and slowly shaking his head)
Me: Deadmouse, huh?
Killian: Uh, yeah.
Me: I'm assuming I just lost major points for that pronunciation faux pas.
Killian: Almost all of them.
Me: Sigh... For the record, numbers don't belong in names. Just sayin'.
Killian: Whatever. You still fail.
Ha! I lost all of my mom cool when I pronounced Katy Perry's name as "Catty Perry." I had never heard it pronounced and was just going by the spelling.
The cool thing about having a kid with Aspergers is, when I lose mom points they're for stuff that would actually make me more uncool to know. See also: anything having to do with Minecraft.
I would've done the same thing. :)
Don't feel bad, I didn't know who half the "artists" were on that show. My question is, when did a DJ get to be an artist????
I thought it was 'dead mouse 5' also. Guess we're getting old?
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