Okay, let's find out more about Amber. :)
How did your writing path evolve?
I was raising kids and reading 2 novels a day. One day I had a thought, “hey I can do this.” Little did I know how difficult it really was, BUT I did it. :o)
From what or where do you derive the most inspiration for your stories?
I normally get inspiration from music. A verse in a song or a title can spark an idea.
Tell us about your upcoming releases?
I have a new release coming from Loose Id on December 27th. It’s a M/F Contemporary with a home improvement theme. It’s called I Wanna Sext U Up.
What are you working on at the moment?
Currently I’m working on my first shape shifter co-authoring project with Katalina Leon. I’m very excited about this project.
What do you like best about being a writer?
I love being able to create fantasy worlds for readers to enjoy.
What do you like least?
Rejection and bad reviews.
Do you find it difficult to keep love/sex scenes fresh and interesting?
This is one of the hardest things to do. Sometimes I get to the point where I don’t like writing sex scenes. I don’t think readers realize how difficult it really is to do something “new”.
Do you listen to music when you write or do you need quiet?
I love rock music, too much. The DH said I’ll still be head banging at 80. LOL I need it quiet because I get distracted easily.
Do you family and friends know you write erotic romance if so, how have they reacted?
My family knows and they’re cool with it, except my grandfather. For some crazy reason my mom told him and when he researched me he called my mom and said I needed to find the Bible again.
What’s your favorite food?
Buffalo wings
Do you have any bad habits?
I’m a procrastinator
What do you like about where you live?
The ocean is a twenty minute drive.
If you could travel back in time, would you? If so, what time period would you visit and why?
I’d travel to the Tudor era. I find Henry VIII so fascinating. Though, I wouldn’t want to be his wife. LoL
Thanks so much for having me here, Bron!
You're welcome and Happy Release Day! :D
Speaking of release day...here's the blurb for Amber's new book!
Tool belt…check. Rope…check. Lube…check. Violet Wand…Check.
Beckett Manning, the host of Room Makeovers is ready to give Riley Anderson more
than a remodeled kitchen. He’s about to bring her to the edge of ecstasy and back.
Whether it’s hot sex in the bathtub or Riley hog-tied to the bed, he’s
determined to show this brazen beauty how sexually desired she is.
A simple text leads to a case of mistaken communication and before long Riley finds
herself tied to her bed and being driven to distraction. Beckett knows how to tease
and torture every inch of her skin. He also knows his way around an orgasm, which
keeps Riley wanting more.
Great interview ladies! I love the comment from your grandfather, sounds like something my mother would say. LOL! Buffalo wings, yummy!!!!
Great interview. I like to procrastinate. Not a good idea though.
debby236 at gmail dot com
Thanks Marie and Debby!
Awesome interview; Im so looking forward to reading Naughty or Nice and I Wanna sext you up! I received a Kindle from Santa - so Im all set for new sexy reads from you ~ Happy New Year!
I really enjoyed this interview, Amber! Great questions, Bronwyn!
I know exactly what you mean about the sex scenes-- sometimes it's hard to come up with something new and exciting.
Oh, and I'd love to live that close to the ocean!
Congrats on your latest release!
Congratulations on your new release, Amber!!
Wonderful interview Amber. "Sex You Up" sounds great and appropriate for the holidays...hee hee.
Angie Aaron
"I Wanna Sext U Up" sounds like my favorite fantasy. My old kitchen is practically a 70's time capsule. The sledge hammer scene is totally inspiring me!
PS Amber if you went back to the Tudor era and introduced Henry llV to Buffalo Wings, I'm pretty sure he'd be so grateful, he'd let you keep your head! lol
LOL Kat. I'd hope so.
Heather, Tessie, Kaye and Angie...thanks so much. :)
Amber, my husband says that I'm stuck in the 80's when it come to head banging music. Rock on girl.
Great interview and congratulations on the new release.
Hahahaha...I'm a huge fan of the
80s Harlie.
Enjoyed the interview. I am a big fan of your work. Congrats on the new release. It sounds like another great read!
Great interview. Your excerpt sounds real good.
I enjoyed the interview. My family says procrastination should be my middle name!
Thanks Gabrielle, I appreciate your kind words.
Thanks Janice and Patsy! :)
Great interview. I had to laugh at the comment from your grandfather, sounds like something mine would have said before he passed on.
Procrastination is my middle name & I'm definately a metal head. Probably will still be listening to 80's metal when I'm 90, although I've been known to throw a little Elvis in there too, since I was raised on 50's stuff.
drainbamaged.gyzmo at gmaillcom
I found it so interesting finding out how you got into writing Amber and especially thought it funny about your Grandfather's comment. At least most of your family is cool with your choice. So am I ;) Judy King
Great interview! Looking forward to Sext U Up.
Gotta say, love both of you! When my daughter first started looking around my Nook for something to read, she was like...Um, Mom, Bronwyn Green is here a lot. so is Amber Skyze! What gives? I lent her said Nook and she was as hooked as I was.
Stacy Wilson
dragn_lady at yahoo dot com
Hello Bronwyn & Amber,
Thank you Bronwyn for hosting Amber on your Blog today & Thank you Amber for spending time with Us today!
This was a fun interview Ladies & I LOVE Buffalo Wings too, the Hotter the better, I think they are one of my Major Food Groups. LOL
Amber, Your new project that you're working on, your first shape shifter co-authoring project with Katalina Leon sounds really Great! I Love Shape-shifter Books, I wish you all the best.
Congrats on your new release, “I Wanna Sext U Up”. This sounds like such a HOT read & I love the Cover. Mmmmmm Beckett can remodeled my kitchen, or anything else he’d like to work on. I’m sure he’s realllllyyyy Good at using his Tools. LOL I’m so Naughty! LOL This book is definitely on my To Buy List.
Take Care & Have a Happy New Year,
Renee’ S.
Wow...thanks Dragon Momma. I appreciate the support.
Renee thanks for dropping in here too. :)
Kathryn and Judy thanks for being here.
LOL:) I just learned my aunt read my first book and called my dad to complain!
I've been unleashing my 'inner rock star' at karaoke once a week:)
@Amber - thanks so much for doing the interview and giveaway, hon!
@Stacy Wilson - Thank you, honey! *Big Squeezy hugs*
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