Thank you so much to B.A. for stopping by the blog for a fun interview and giveaway!
And the winner of the 20$ Amazon Gift Certificate is...Charlie!
Monday, March 31, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Merlin Club: The Moment of Truth or The One Where Jess' Merthur Fantasies Kick Into High Gear
Buckle up,
kids, it’s finally time for Jess to get her Merthur on!
episode opens with a gently sweeping pastoral view of the village of Ealdor
when a band of thugs on horsebacks rides in and demands the villagers’ crops.
You can tell the leader is extra evil because he’s got a prominent facial scar…and
oddly placed beard extensions.
Also, when Hunith (Merlin’s mama) tries to
prevent him from taking food from the mouths of the village’s children, he
backhands her. Then to really make his point, he shoots a random villager with
a crossbow bolt. (No pun intended.) Cut to a view of the castle at Camelot and
Hunith is making her way through the lower town. Merlin, who of course, is
fetching water at that time spots his mother and demands to know who gave her
the giant black eye. Aaaaand roll credits.
gets an audience with Uther Pendragon, The Least Interested King in the World
and begs for help in dealing with the food raiding thugs. Uther is positively
bored by the entire proceedings and looks like he’s wishing for a lively
execution or something. He points out that the village of Ealdor lies in Cenred’s
kingdom and that because of the treaty between the two kingdom’s sending an
army of Camelot into Cenred’s lands would be an act of war. Hunith falls on her
knees and begs and Uther still says no. Arthur, Merlin, Gwen, Morgana, pretty
much everyone in the throne room really, looks pissed and disgusted with Uther.
Cut to
Arthur standing on the parapets and Merlin going to speak to him. Arthur
apologizes to him, presumably for the fact that his father is a giant douche,
and Merlin tells him that he’s leaving to return to Ealdor. Arthur looks
completely taken aback when Merlin says that he’s not returning. He plays it
off with a bit of a joke but with the meaningful look that passes between them,
the audience (and most importantly, Jess,) knows that they will truly miss one
In Gwen’s
home, we see Gwen packing food, armor and a sword for Merlin’s journey. And we
see just how bad Merlin is with a sword. When he says he’ll never be able to
carry everything by himself, Morgana enters and says that he won’t have to,
because she and Gwen are going with him.
Merlin is stunned and touched by their friendship and goes to say
goodbye to Gaius who is clearly worried about him, and off they go on their
grand adventure – Hunith, Merlin, Morgana and Gwen.
That night
while everyone is sleeping in the woods (and no one is keeping watch, mind you)
Merlin wakes to the sound of hoof beats. He (clumsily) draws his sword and goes off to
investigate. When he realizes it’s Arthur (in full armor), he swings around
excitedly and almost clobbers Arthur. Arthur takes away Merlin’s weapon and
heads to the campsite, and Merlin is very touched (but not in the way Jess
wants him to be touched) that Arthur came to help.
The next
morning, they ride toward Ealdor where Kanen and his men are ransacking the
village. They find the secret stash of grain and Kanen is about to kill
Matthew, the village’s leader when a sword comes flying through the air and
sticks in a post conveniently located by Kanen’s head. And it’s Arthur riding
in to save the day. And also Merlin, Morgana
and Gwen.
There’s a
brief skirmish in which our friends from Camelot fight off the bad guys –
Merlin uses his magic and one of the villagers sees it – and Morgana jumps in
and rescues Arthur. The thugs ride away with a threat to return and kill them
all. You know…like bandits are wont to do.
villager who saw Merlin use magic turns out to be his BFF from Ealdor, Will.
Will knowing about Merlin’s powers is actually the reason his mom sent him to
Camelot in the first place. But Will is loyal to Merlin and won’t breathe a
word. (Will, incidentally, is Gendry on
Game of Thrones. This mixes up my feels when I’m watching this episode.)
Will immediately dislikes Arthur and thinks
he’s a pompous ass. Arthur gives a mini-inspirational speech to rally the
villagers and Will contradicts him constantly and says he’s only there for the
glory of battle and storms away in a huff. Merlin goes after him, but the other
villagers are all down with fighting off Kanen and his men.
tells will that he needs to trust Arthur because he knows what he’s doing and
wants to help, but Will isn’t having it. And there’s a bit of expository
dialogue to let us know that something horrible and tragic happened to Will’s
father because of men like Arthur. This is while Will is picking up a fallen
chainmail and tabard stand so we can assume Will’s got real issues with
nobility. (And we’re right.) Merlin tries to convince Will that Arthur isn’t
like other nobles, that he’s actually Merlin’s friend. Will asks Merlin if
Arthur knows his secret, and of course, he doesn’t, so he tells Merlin he’s living
a lie.
night, Arthur’s getting a taste of peasant life and asks Merlin if he’s always
slept on the floor as they lay side by side, and they have a bit of a heart to
heart about how Merlin grew up and life in a village and why he left it. When
Merlin blows out the candle, Jess has vivid fantasies about some serious
Merthuring happening under those thin, homespun blankets.
In the
morning, Merlin is helping Arthur dress and Morgana makes a crack about him not
knowing out to dress himself, meanwhile Hunith brings Arthur the breakfast he
didn’t finish. As soon as Hunith turns her back, Arthur shoves the bowl of
porridge into Gwen’s hands and goes out to train the men. Gwen hurriedly
finishes it and lies to Hunith telling her that Arthur though it was lovely.
Hunith and
Merlin are left alone and Hunith tells Merlin that Arthur cares for him a great
deal. Merlin says that he’d do the same for any village, but Hunith disagrees
and insists that Arthur is there for him, which Jess and I have taken to mean
that Merlin’s mama ships Merthur, too.
goes off to the woods to chop wood and Will follows him. As it turns out, Will
is hurt because he never really knew why Merlin left Ealdor. Then he’s pissed
because he knows that Merlin could defeat Kanen on his own using magic, but
Merlin won’t reveal his secret and he tries to explain to Will that he needs to
hide it in order to protect Arthur, and as you can imagine, that doesn’t go
over well at all.
Arthur is attempting to teach the men of the village how to wield a sword. It
doesn’t go particularly well. Meanwhile Gwen and Morgana are sharpening the few
meager weapons they have. They decide that the men aren’t the only ones who can
fight. While the men are practicing, Arthur asks Matthew to organize sentry
duty which he does.
and Gwen approach Arthur and tell him they think the women should be allowed to
fight. He, predictably, says it’s too dangerous and dismisses them. That night,
when they think everyone is sleeping, Gwen and Morgana lay awake talking about how
they don’t have a chance in the fight against Kanen. And they discuss how they all came for Merlin
– including Arthur.
The next
morning, Arthur is discussing creating a trap for Kanen’s men, they hear a
scream from outside. The run outside to see a horse with a rider draped over
its back. It’s Matthew, the sentry and he’s got a crossbow bolt with a note in
his back that says, Make the most of this day, it’ll be your last. Then Matthew’s
wife runs to him screaming while Will insists that Matthew’s death is Arthur’s
fault and tells all the men that they’ll be slaughtered when Kanen comes.
He leaves
and Merlin follows him to his hut where he’s packing his belongings. He’s
planning to get out of Dodge Elador before the battle. And he points out that
if Merlin used his magic no one else would have to die. Will tells him that
Merlin is the one abandoning the people not him. He storms off and Merlin goes
to find Arthur who’s sharpening his sword. He explains that Will’s father was
killed fighting for King Cenred and that he doesn’t trust nobility. Arthur
worries that maybe Will is right, that all the villagers are going to die. He
contemplates telling all the villagers to leave to save themselves, but Merlin
talks him into staying and fighting. Meanwhile Hunith is eavesdropping on this
entire conversation.
evening, there’s a village-wide meeting and Arthur says that the women and
children need to take all the belongings they can carry and hide in the woods.
Gwen steps forward and says that they’re not going anywhere. They’re going to
stay and fight. The other women agree and step forward. Arthur knows when to
keep his mouth shut and backs it on down and then gives a super inspiring
speech about how they won’t be defeated because they’re defending their home,
etc. etc. Everyone is appropriately moved. Possibly even Will. But he’s still
kinda pouty.
Merlin gets back to his mother’s hut, she’s waiting to talk to him. She’s upset
that she went to Camelot. She feels she’s ruined everything for him because she
fears he’s going to let his magic flag fly. The next morning Arthur is in the
woods and Gwen brings him food that Hunith made. Arthur turns his nose up at it
and Gwen gives him a major smackdown because food is scarce for these people
and they’re sharing it with him. Then she remembers that she’s talking to the
Prince of Camelot and apologizes. He tells her she’s right and thanks her.
Arthur returns, Merlin moves to help him dress, but Arthur says for him to put
on his own armor, then proceeds to help Merlin with it. This is a huge shift
for them. They shake hands in a manly fashion and Arthur says it’s been an
honor. Merlin says that whatever happens today, he hopes Arthur won’t think any
differently of him. Arthur thinks that Merlin is just scared but we all know he’s
referring to his magic. He’s about to confess when Morgana comes in to tell
them that Kanen and his men have crossed the river. Opportunity lost.
shakes the hands of the men (and Gwen) waiting outside the hut then they all
assume their positions. The medieval
thug squad comes riding in and the villagers maintain their positions. Gwen and another person pull up a wall
trapping the bandits in the village while Morgana frantically tries to start a
fire. Merlin sees that she’s having trouble and runs to help, discreetly using
magic to start it. The fire traps the men further and spooks the horses. Arthur
gives the signal and all the villagers attack. Merlin is about to get bashed in
the head with a mace when Will, dressed in his father’s mail and tabard, leaps
from the roof and offs the bad guy and saving Merlin’s life. Will and
Merlin realize there are too many bandits so Merlin uses his magic to create a
whirlwind and scare a bunch of them away.
The villagers chase after them and only a few bandits are left in the
village. Unfortunately, one of those is
Kanen and they engage in single man combat. Arthur eventually prevails and
Kanen falls to the ground. Arthur stalks over to Will and Merlin and demands to
know who used magic. Just as Merlin is about to confess, Kanen gets a burst of
deathbed energy, grabs a crossbow and tries to shoot Arthur. Will pushes Arthur
out of the way and gets shot in the chest.
The carry
him into the house and lay him on the table. Arthur is incredulous because Will
saved his life. Then tells him he saved him twice and confesses to creating the
whirlwind that scared off the thugs. Arthur tells Merlin to do what he can for
Will and clears everyone from the room. After they all go, Will and Merlin have
a heartfelt conversation about Merlin being a great man who will eventually
serve a great king. Merlin cries and
Will dies.
Later we
see Will’s funeral pyre and Arthur offers his condolences to Merlin and then
follows it up by lecturing Merlin about the dangers of magic and keeping
secrets from him. Seriously, dude. That couldn’t wait until later!?
tells Merlin that he needs to leave because he belongs at Arthur’s side. He and
Hunith have a tearful goodbye in the shadow of Will’s burning body.
Now, for the questions!
1. If I’d written this episode…I don’t
know if this was something I would have changed, but I would love to know what
happened when they all got back to Camelot – especially Morgana since her and
Uther’s relationship is so complicated.
2. The thing
I loved/hated most about this episode. I really love this episode. It’s in my
top ten list – possibly even my top five. I love when Gwen gives Arthur the
smackdown about not being a dick about eating food he considers substandard. I
love that Merlin’s friends rallied around him and risked their lives for
something that was important to him, and of course, I love the evolving
friendship/merthurness between Arthur and Merlin and I love that Arthur made
strides to step out of his father’s shadow and model of ruling.
I hated the fact that Uther was such
an uninterested douche when Hunith was begging for help. And I also hated that
Arthur felt the need to lecture Merlin on the dangers of magic so soon after
Will’s death.
3. Something
you’ve never noticed about this episode before. The blonde woman who was
kicking ass in the battle between Ealdor and the thugs
4. Favorite
Costume. This week, I've gotta give to Morgana’s battle gear. Love the silver
bracers and the belt/fur/shirt combo. It’s spectacular.
5. Here is Proof
of some random head canon I’ve created. I didn’t create it, but holy cow, there’s
a shit-ton of Merthur moments going on.
6. What Merthur
moment did Jess have the naughtiest thoughts about? Ooooh – tough one. We’ve
got the opposite problem this week – too many Merthur moments to chose from. I
think it has to be when they were having their heart to heart in the dark and
Arthur was trying to understand where Merlin came from and what he was looking
for. It was a great bonding moment. Though, in Jess’ head, I’m sure they really
bonded after Merlin blew out the candle.
7. What made Jen lose
her shit (in a good or bad way) in this episode? In a bad way, I think it would
have to be when Uther was positively disinterested in Hunith’s plea for Ealdor.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Awesome B.A. Tortuga Interview and a Giveaway!
Today, I'm thrilled to have my dear friend, B.A. Tortuga on the blog. I love this woman to pieces - she's kind, smart, funny, loyal, protective, gives amazing hugs and let's not forget, a damn good writer. Also, she'll kick the asses of anyone who needs kicking. What's not to love?
She's here to celebrate her new release: Terms of Release out with Dreamspinner Press! And part of her celebration is to giveaway a 20$ Amazon Gift Card! The contest will be open from now until midnight on March 31st.
Eligible entrants need to comment and don't forget to leave your email address so we can contact you if you win!
Eligible entrants need to comment and don't forget to leave your email address so we can contact you if you win!
General Random Sorts of Questions
oWhat’s a
typical day like for you?
Oh, goodness. I have typical weeks: Sunday I spend
the day dealing with emails, writing blog posts, and cleaning my house. Monday
is marketing and working on files. Tuesday is rewrite day. Wednesday and Friday
are writing days. Thursday is my day off and the day I run errands. Saturday I
run down for falafel at my favorite restaurant, Annapurnas, and come home to
spend the day in the studio. :D
do you consider your greatest accomplishment?
Does not committing homicide count?
you have any collections?
HA! Would you like them alphabetically or
chronologically? O.o
I collect Pyrex dishes, china, Wizard of Oz
things, turtles, coffee cups, witches, basset hounds, yarn, fabric from 1949,
Sherlock, western art, hutches and Hoosier cabinets, notebooks, computers…
are your hobbies?
If by hobby, you mean obsessions, then knitting,
crocheting, weaving, quilting, sewing, reading, cooking, basset hound agility…
there any skills you’d like to learn?
I want to learn how to play the guitar and the fiddle
and I want to learn to ride my unicycle. Yes. I have a unicycle.
your favorite word?
Almost. No, really. I love that silly word.
your least favorite word?
Impossible. I had an ex that used to look at me
and say, “well, that’s impossible, baby” and it STILL sets my teeth on edge.
sound do you love?
Acoustic guitar is one of my absolute favorite
sounds on earth.
sound do you hate?
Whining. I cannot abide that noise. O.o
your favorite curse word?
I’m a traditionalist – give me a good ‘fuck’
anytime. ;-)
profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
Oh, if I wasn’t a writer, I’d go back to my former
job as an illustrator.
profession would you not like to do?
A realtor. My baby-est sister is one and I can’t
think of something I’d be less suited to.
or cat person?
Oh, dogs. I love cats, but I’m allergic in that
or tea?
Coffee. Dark. Black. Rich. Constant.
or country?
I’m a country girl at heart, but sometimes the
country doesn’t love me back. ;-)
Wars or Star Trek?
waves her official Star Wars geek card Go ahead, ask
me about the mechanics of an AT-AT.
Angel or Firefly?
Firefly, please. :D
or ninja?
Fuck ninjas. I’d much buckle some swash.
o Morning or night person?
I’m a morning person. It turns
10pm and I’m a pumpkin. Boom.
o Procrastinator or get things
done early?
I don’t have a single
ounce of procrastinator in me, I admit it.
o Introvert or Extrovert?
Everyone who meets me swears
I’m an extrovert. Everyone who knows me swears I’m not. ;-)
do you like best about writing?
I love wallowing in the sounds of my past. I miss
home and I love knowing that Texas lives inside me.
do you like least?
Having to rework the sad parts. I lived through it
once, damn it.
you have a day job aside from writing?
I do some free-lance ebook conversion and some art
on the side, but the bulk of my job is the writing.
you were a book, which book would you be – and why?
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.
Why? Because at the core, I’m sugar-coated evil.
you were a song, which song would you be – and why?
Blackbird by the Beatles – “all your life, you
were only waiting for this moment to be free” – that’s me in a nutshell. Also,
Beatles! Guitar! Acoustic! LOVE!
o Have you heard a song that
reminds you of someone today? If so, what was it and why?
Oh, I played “Til My Last
Breath” by Justin Moore just today! That’s the song we’re playing at our
Book Related Questions
Soooooooo…The Terms of Release looks like something that would make me cry. Did you cry while you were writing it?
Snorts I cried when I wrote it. I cried when I edited it. I cried the last time I read it. O.o
Which character do you identify
most with and why?
Ellen Redding, Sage’s momma.
I’ll explain using textual
headed out about the time Ellen Redding came slamming through the door like a
short round red-headed avenging angel.
Barnette, you lousy motherfucker! I covered your ass when you were shitfaced
and drove your truck into my fence, I went to the doctor with SueAnn when Billy
Cooper knocked her up, and I have never once bad-mouthed you, and you refuse to
serve my son?”
opened her mouth, and Ellen pointed a finger at her. “Don’t you say a word, you
sanctimonious whore. You think I won’t go to Brother Howard’s wife and tell her
that you’re the feet sticking out from underneath the pulpit, you got another
thing coming. You stuck-up pieces of shit, so scared of the goddamn sheriff and
his brother that you treat a decent man like a pariah?”
Then she
turned on Win. “And you!”
He held
up his hands. “Hey. I defended him. Ask them. They’d be happy to rat me out.”
“Give me
my goddamn order, and I’ll be going into Greenville for my business from now
on.” She looked at each and every one of them in turn, staring them down. “And
you’d best pray I don’t decide to start singing your secrets to everyone who’ll
listen. This is a tiny town, and my family’s had its skeletons pranced around
this place like prize ponies. Y’all so much as breathe hard on my son and there
will be hell to pay, you mark my words.”
stood there like he was frozen, but his cashier, Dan, started loading up the
order, never saying a word. Only Win knew that Dan had a couple of misdemeanor
drug charges on his record. Maybe Dan knew how Sage felt.
handed over a credit card and paid the bill. “I have my truck. Are any of you
assholes going to help me load three hundred pounds of feed, or are you going
to sit there with your teeth in your mouths?
What the hell are cutting
Grins Pricy damned well-trained beasts.
They’re usually American Quarter horses and you use them to
cull cattle from a herd and to keep them separated. When you train, like Sage
is, you’re training mainly for competition, as opposed to working cow horses, who
are used for culling cattle for castration/vaccination/branding. The big thing
with a good cutting horse is cow sense, and there’s a bunch of arguing on
whether that can be taught.
I lean toward no.
And before I forget, I need to share the blurb for Terms of Release with you guys!
And before I forget, I need to share the blurb for Terms of Release with you guys!
say a man can always come home. So after doing hard time, Sage Redding
heads to his family’s northeast Texas ranch to help his ailing daddy
with the cutting horses.
Adam (Win) Winchester is a county deputy and the cousin of one of the men killed in the incident that sent Sage to prison for almost a decade. While Win's uncles, Jim and Teddy, are determined to make Sage and the entire Redding family pay for their loss, Win just figures Sage has paid his dues and maybe needs a friend. Maybe he needs more than a friend. In fact, Win’s counting on it.
No one’s denying Sage is an ex-con who went to prison for manslaughter. Regardless of the love he has for his father, he’s returned knowing things will likely go badly for him. Maybe a man can always come home, but he may not be able to stay.
!Adam (Win) Winchester is a county deputy and the cousin of one of the men killed in the incident that sent Sage to prison for almost a decade. While Win's uncles, Jim and Teddy, are determined to make Sage and the entire Redding family pay for their loss, Win just figures Sage has paid his dues and maybe needs a friend. Maybe he needs more than a friend. In fact, Win’s counting on it.
No one’s denying Sage is an ex-con who went to prison for manslaughter. Regardless of the love he has for his father, he’s returned knowing things will likely go badly for him. Maybe a man can always come home, but he may not be able to stay.
Buy link for The Terms of Release – ebook
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Amazon Gift Card,
B.A. Tortuga,
Terms of Release,
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