I'm not at all sure how it's possible, but my baby is 13 today. *sob* Corwin is a great kid, wildly creative, talks more than any five people I know, is a brilliant artist, and has a sweet, gentle soul with a soft spot for animals, robots, swords and nerf weaponry.

This is my mom chasing Corwin...pretty much how we all spent his early years. He's got his blankie that I made him and his little froggie romper...which I also made him. (Before I discovered erotic romance and became surgically attached to my computer, I was attached to my sewing machine.)

That's Me, Killian and Corwin forever ago. Killian's all serene and relaxed and Corwin is barely restrained. You'll note that moppy, floppy hair? That's because he wouldn't sit still long enough for a haircut. We called this style "Christopher Robin on acid." (Yes, that's an awful picture of me. I'm the least photogenic person on the planet
. Deal.)

This is Corwin on the shores of Lake Superior a few years ago. I can't wait to bring them up there again, this summer.
In other bloggy news, I've posted a character interview of Ian...and also Meaghan of Immortal Curse over at the
Writer's Evolution Blog. I'd love it if you stopped by. :)
And Brynn Paulin has a fantastic post about
Boys, Twilight and Romance Novels over at her blog today. It's a great read!
Happy birthday, Corwin!!!
And YOU can't be the least photogenic person on the planet because I am. :)
Happy birthday Corwin!!
You have an amazing son...I know he's going to be the next amazing game designer and I for one, can't wait to see his work in the future!
And the picture's not so bad- believe me, I have one of me as a child with my big ole afro and a grin on my face, lookin like I'm stoned outta my brain. Its a classic pic...and probably my worst, ever. LOL
Happy birthday to Corwin:) Welcome to the teen years, he he he!
Happy birthday, Corwin!
Happy Birthday to Corwin! I swear. You blink and they are practically grown. My son just turned 24 last Sunday. Damn, I feel old.
Kids grow sooooo fast. My oldest will be 30 next December. My youngest is already 15 and in his first year of highschool. My grandson, for heaven's sake, is 10 and in 4th grade. Life flies. Take lots of pictures and make lots of memories.
Happy Birthday, Corwin!
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