So, I've been a little distracted by the day job, being sick, writing a book and naughty, naughty kittens...oh yeah...and trying to make Christmas presents. Needless to say, this is gong to be a very short blog, but on the plus side, it'll include cute pictures of naughty kittens. Not sure if that really balances out, but I'm hoping so. :)
Also, we've been blogging over at Writer's Evolution this week about Holiday Traditions, and I'd love it if you came over to take a
For now I leave you with the cuteness/naughtiness at my house. Willow and Morrighan think the Christmas tree is the best toy we've ever given them. There's a reason our tree is tied to the ceiling...

their So adorable. Where did you get the two little naughties?
And you've had your Hands very full.
and congratulations on the new book! I'm so proud of you.
Hey Girl,
OMG!!!! Way tooooo cute! I've just told Kyle to go snap lots of pics of the kittens...shall we hold a contest to see whose set of kittens does the most damage to the tree? Though I might have an advantage! Mine have a 'dog' helper!
Oh, and you're forgiven...
Very cute... Our kitties don't go near the tree.
so FREAKIN cute! She's totally sticking her tongue out at you. Go Willow.
Our first Christmas with a cat in the house, he climbed it and knocked it over. The following year, soft ornaments were placed at the bottom and he could swat them to his heart's content:) This also coincided with the blizzard of 78, so the tree was already fastened to the wall.
Awwww the 'cuteness'. Plumb wonderful. My cat has an absurd fascination with the lights. Love watching her stare up. Reminds me of my kids when they were little.
supreme cuteness! *grins*
Ooh are they cute!
Ha! You've trumped the neighbors - YOU have live ornaments. :)
fantastic work, seems like you have done a great job Lost and found
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