So please take a few moments to meet Kris and maybe leave her a note. :)
1.How did your writing path evolve?
To be honest, I never really thought much of it when I was younger. The first I ever thought about writing was when a high school teacher asked me if I’d enter a short story I’d written for her class into a competition. Then I went on to delve into other lines of work until I was pregnant with my first child. Having some time, I decided to finally put to words a story that had been rattling around in my head for what seemed like eternity. I realize now that those voices were not approaching insanity but merely characters begging to have their story told. I took forever to actually finish the book (which will be published by Resplendence late next year) and then I never really put it out there. Instead, I wrote a couple more, finally submitting my work to a few different companies. I was fortunate to come across the best editor ever at TEB who gave me a chance to turn a dream into a reality.
2.What type of research do you do for your books?
For books where I don’t have any personal background, I usually turn to the Internet for photos and information. For example, for Sacred Talisman, I searched a number of vampire sites to see if the views of vampires had changed. With so many beliefs, from the classics of Bram Stokers to the new Twilight, I wanted to get a sense of the different genres of vampires. But as you’ll see, I chose to stick to the more traditional view—I just love the vampires of old.
3.From what or where do you derive the most inspiration for your stories?
I tend to draw on some sort of personal experience for my stories, though, no, I haven’t bumped into any vampires in a dark alley lately. But for my next book, Deadly Vision, I used my time as a 911 operator as the basis for Fallon’s character and my love of mountain biking as her passion. I enjoy putting a bit of my experiences into my characters. Then, of course, there are those stories which just worm their way into your head without any warning or previous knowledge.
4.Tell us about your upcoming releases?
Oh, I couldn’t be more excited. My first ever book is out today. Sacred Talisman is a vampire story and is part of TEB’s Voracious Vamps series. It’s also the first book in my own vampire series entitled, Dark Prophecy. I quite love Rafe and his unique situation of being a vampire with not only a mission, but a conscience.
I also have another book coming out with TEB on November 9th called Deadly Vision. It’s a full-length paranormal thriller that’s the first book in my stalker series, ‘Til Death. Thrillers are my true passion and you’ll find nearly all of my books have a suspense element in them, even if that’s not the primary genre.
I have two other books due out in December. Another with TEB, Centrefold, which is part of the Christmas Crackers Collection and Checkmate, a sensual thriller, which will be my first book published with Resplendence Publishing.
5.What are you working on at the moment?
Gee, I’ve got so many series going I should be working on several books all at once. But right now I’m concentrating my efforts on the second book in the Dark Prophecy series and my second book in my fantasy series, Enchanted Lovers. I’m also working hard to finish my first futuristic book, which is a new area for me and I’m excited to see where it takes me.
6.What do you like best about being a writer? What do you like least?
I love being able to become different people all the time. Having these characters in your head that jump out onto the computer and take a life all their own. I also love that my morning commute is a pretty cushy ride.
My least favourite aspect is fighting with my characters to get them to do what I want them to do. I know it sounds strange, but sometimes they just don’t play nice. Writing the same scene over and over isn’t very productive or good for the soul. There are lots of times you ask yourself why you do this… but it’s just a part of who you are.
7.What would you do if you weren’t a writer?
I’ve spent plenty of time being other professions over the years. I already mentioned my time as a 911 operator. But I think the job I enjoyed most before kids and writing took over my life, was being a commercial helicopter pilot. Bet you didn’t know I could fly those things. It often comes as a surprise to most people. It was an exciting part of my life and while I miss it, I have to say, I love writing even more. (Oh, and did I mention one of my characters in a future book with Resplendence is a helicopter pilot? Looks like I get to have the best of both worlds.)
8.What do you enjoy doing when you’re not writing?
I love running and mountain bike riding. I live in a fabulous part of Vancouver Island and have endless trails at my disposal. There’s nothing quite like running or riding amidst old growth forests.
I also love going to movies and just hanging with the kids. Hockey games and art classes take up a lot of spare time.
9.Of all of the characters you’ve created, who is your favourite and why?
While all my characters have a special place, my favourite hero is Gage Matthews. You’ll meet him in my second ‘Til Death book, Deadly Obsession, due out next April. I’m not sure what it is, exactly, about him that makes me swoon. I think it’s his vulnerability that only Brooklyn sees that touches my heart. He’s a dominant, action-oriented man, but his devotion to the woman he loves is every girl’s dream.
10.Do you find it difficult to keep love/sex scenes fresh and interesting?
Sex, not interesting or new? Actually, yes, this is much harder than most people would think. After all, there’s only so many ways all the parts fit together. And when your book has a number of sex scenes, it can be challenging to keep the encounters exciting. I think the best remedy is to make it more about the emotional journey of the lovers and not just about the physical act. If your characters have a vested interest in the sex, beyond the obvious physical pleasure, it helps to keep the scenes from blending into each other.
11.What makes a man sexy?
Oh, I love this one. For me, sexy isn’t just how a guy looks. As a matter of fact it’s so much more. To me, sexy is the deep timbre of a man’s voice… the tilt of his lips when he smiles… the brooding look in his eyes. I’m more apt to say a man is handsome than sexy, because sexy is the whole package… a walking wet dream.
12.What’s your favourite food?
Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate. Okay, I love strawberries too, especially when they’re dipped in chocolate.
13.Do you have any pet peeves?
OMG. How many pages do you have? People who drive twenty kilometers under the speed limit. I mean, really. Doesn’t your car have an accelerator in it! They put that number up there for a reason. And it really is more of a guideline.
People who take up two parking spots at the grocery car. Come on, folks. Your SUV isn’t that much better than mine.
The insane price of popcorn and soda at the movies. What is with that? I can make a whole bag of popcorn for three dollars and buy an entire case of pop for four!
Congrats on your first release Kris:)
I'm with you on the parking issue. Taking up two spots is just plain RUDE!
Wow, Kris! Welcome to rank...er...ranks...LOL! I'm utterly thrilled for you! If you come down to Utah, I'll offer you twenty kinds of chocolate...heh heh heh!
PS...you forgot the idiots who drive up and grab a handicapped space and hang up the handicap hanger in the front of their car, then dash out and race into the store on two very healthy legs. I left a sticky note on one the other day that said, "You were caught on the security tapes, and your car will be impounded the next time you park here." I watched when he read it and glanced around quickly.
I've never vandalized anything in my life, but I swear whenever I see someone parked in the middle of two spots in a crowded parking lot, I have a strong urge to "key" their car.
Anyway, Kris, nice interview and congratulations on your first release!
Super congrats on your first release. Wishing you many sales!
Congratulations, Kris. I enjoyed your interview!
Grrrrreat interview! Congrats on the release!
Wonderful interview, ladies and Kris, congratulations on your first release!
Hi girls!
Fun interview, Kris - Congrats on your first release!!
Fran, you may have seen a list of quotes going around emails and such for the last ten years or so - you know the quote, "Stupidity isn't a handicap. Park elsewhere." I wrote that one and stuck the note face up, in the biggest font that would fit on the 8.5 x 11paper so that everyone who passed by would see it. Public humiliation is sometimes the only way people will learn.
Hehehe! They got the message.
Congratulations on your release, Kris.
Hey all,
Just dropped over to take a peek at Bron's blog, and I'm completely floored by all the fabulous comments.
Thanks so much for all the well wishes, and thanks Bron for having me over today. A girl has to get out sometime ya know.
And I'm with you guys on the handicap deal. My mom has a legitimate reason for having one (she's basically in a wheelchair for anything other than walking to the toilet) and I can't stand when folks do that.
My other pet peeve is when someone pulls out in front of you... on the highway... way to close, so you have to hit the brakes and then they go 60 in an 80 zone... geesh... is there more room here? I've got more, really...
Thanks again ladies and a special extra thanks, Bron.
Oh, yeah, I completely agree with the price of food at the movies!
Congratulations on your first release. Many sales!
I need a mason jar.
I'm sure you have one to ship to me.
I need a mason jar.
I'm sure you have one to ship to me.
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