Today is the celebration of the 104th birthday of Dr. Seuss. I loved Dr. Seuss books as a kind and I definitely loved them as a mom. In fact, I can still recite all of Dr. Seuss' ABC Book and it's been quite a while since I read it.
My all time favorite Dr. Seuss books are Green Eggs in Ham and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. So what about you - what's your favorite Seuss book?
Marvin K Mooney, will you please go Now?
I used to be able to recite The Foot Book:)
And I loooooved "Do you know how Lucky You Are?"
I'm very fond of One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. And Ten Apples up on Top. But if I could only pick one Dr. Seuss book to ever get to read again I would have to go with:
The Lorax. I just love The Lorax. He speaks for the trees you know.
Dakota Rebel
OMG - I can't believe I forgot about The Lorax! I love The Lorax!
The elephant sitting on the egg. Horton something.
Hubby and I used to call it, "Marvin K. Mooney, get the F**k out."
But not in front of the children, of course.
I love Fox in Socks. The kids and I read it over and over and it got a laugh every single time.
Green Eggs and Ham...
The Lorax. Also Sneetches.
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