Monday, March 31, 2008
Check it out!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I've come to a terrifying conclusion

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Wanna Know What's Cool?

Monday, March 24, 2008
Monday, Monday...
It's been crazy town at my house this past week. Kids' homework projects, soccer games, guitar lessons, the Easter Bunny, family parties, helping my sister-in-law and cousins with their homework and oh yeah, hubby's been working 70+ hour weeks for the last two months so I've been doing the dance of the single parent. I miss that guy.
This week looks like more of the same except with extra appointments added. I really need a clone...especially with all the stuff I need to do to get ready for RT! I have piles and piles of fabric waiting to be sewn. I'm pretty excited about the Fairy ball and the Vampire ball though. Of course, I like any opportunity to dress up in costumes.
Well, I'm off to do more errands. I promise to be a better blogger this week. :)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
God Bless American Idol and Wildly Inappropriate Lullabies

When I was a kid my mom always sang bedtime songs to us. Looking back, I realize that some of them were probably less appropriate than others, and I wonder if that contributes to my love of sad songs today. I know she sang us happy songs, but the sad ones are the ones I really remember and the ones I'd always asked for. Popular bedtime songs of my childhood include:
Imagine, Blowin' in the Wind, Where Have All the Flowers Gone, Bye Baby Bunting, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, One Tin Soldier, Farwell to Tarwathie, Molly Malone (I blame my Gram for that one though) Let it Be, Lady Madonna, Hey Jude, Sundown, Bridge Over Troubled Water, Scarborough Faire, American Pie, Turn, Turn, Turn, Country Roads, In My Life Jet Plane, I am a Rock and of course, Puff the Magic Dragon. She did make up a fourth verse to this one because my brother Martin sobbed when he was old enough to understand what a sad song it really is.

I've kept up the bedtime song tradition with my kids - they choose what they want to hear just like we did. Some of them are the old standbys of my childhood and some are new. They both love Dar Williams' The One Who Knows and We Learned the Sea. Corwin's favorites are One Tine Soldier, Where Have All the Flowers Gone and Scarborough Faire. He really likes a lot of Celtic folk and frequently requests I Am Stretched On Your Grave (it's a beautiful song but depressing as hell) and Counting Crows' Long December. I promise, he's really not morose. Killian's favorite is Molly Malone and Green Day's Good Riddance (Time of Your Life).
I recently made my sibs and my mom each a two cd set called Mom's Wildly Inappropriate Lullabies - they loved it. So, did you get bedtime songs as kids? Did/do you sing them to your kids? Which ones?
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I'm not of Irish descent, but my kids are. Speaking of kids, 11 years ago at this very moment, I was in labor. I was really hoping to have him on the 17th. Not only cause I wanted it the hell over with, but because it's also my mom's birthday and she's without a doubt, the best mom ever. Happy Birthday Mama!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Guest Blogging Today

Friday, March 14, 2008
Happy Pi Day!

We had a lot of fun until the canister of brown sugar got upended on the dining room floor...but it wasn't the end of the world and it was still an easier clean-up than earlier in the evening when Corwin managed to dump the pitcher of iced tea on the kitchen floor. It was kind of a klutzy sort of night. You can definitely tell those kids are mine!
After the baking extravaganza was done I went to a fun TEB chat at Night Owl...busy busy night. Tonight, I'll be working on a pirate ship shaped cake for Corwin's birthday party tomorrow. Not at all sure how I'm going to accomplish that, but if it turns out, I'll post a picture.
Have a wonderful Friday and if you get a chance, have some pie. ;)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Exhuastion Induced Stupidity Pays Off

Monday, March 10, 2008
Yay Margaret ...Yay Me

Friday, March 7, 2008
When it rains...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Lookee What I Got

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
An Anniversary
A little less than a year earlier, my sister in law and I discovered we were pregnant at the same time – me with my second child and her with her first. We both had beautiful little boys – mine born in March, hers in June. Shortly before my son’s first birthday, at four pm, on March 4th, 1998, my sweet, eight month old nephew died of SIDS. Despite repeated attempts at resuscitation, he was gone. The morning after, I remember waking up and telling my husband I’d had the most awful nightmare. The look on his face brought every horrible detail rushing back.
I’m not going to lie and say we learned anything useful right away. The first months were spent in horror and grief. Finding little his baby socks shoved down the side of the couch or his pacifier in a purse was crippling. Getting misplaced rolls of film developed and finding pictures you’d forgotten you’d taken were both a precious gift and a kick in the gut.
The following years brought a kind of numb acceptance, but it’s taken almost a decade to get to the point where I didn’t have guilt every day that my son had lived and theirs didn’t. It also took that long to see ways that we might have grown from this. I’m not saying that I’m glad this happened – or that it was some kind of blessing in disguise, but I can see how the choices I’ve made since then are different than the ones I might have made if this hadn’t happened.
Here are some of the things I’ve learned and would like to share:
Never miss an opportunity to let your loved ones know that you love them. I know that’s terribly cliché, but it’s also true. My family has always been close, but this loss and eventual celebration of my nephew’s short life has brought us closer.
If you have kids or grandkids, take time to enjoy their childhood. The little things that used to frustrate me about babies and toddlers ceased to matter. Preteens and teens however can be a little more trying, but I don’t want to ever look back and have regrets about things I shouldn’t have said or things I should have done but didn’t.
The human heart is more resilient than I’d ever realized. My brother and sister-in-law are some of the strongest and bravest people I know. I’m not sure I would have survived intact if it had been my child, and I sincerely doubt I would have attempted to have any more. I’m happy to say that I have another nephew and niece. It may take a while, but it is possible to heal from such a loss.
Sometimes tomorrow never comes. Follow your dreams now – there may not be time later. I’d stopped writing after college figuring I’d always go back to it later. Other than a poem I 'd written at the request of my brother for my nephew's funeral, I hadn't written a thing in years. I finally went back to it, several years after my nephew’s death. One day I realized that I was never going to effectively teach my kids to follow their dreams if I didn’t follow my own – so here I am...following my dreams.
Take a minute to hug your kids today – no matter how old and surly they might be.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Tag...I'm It
1.) I got married on my birthday.
2.) I collect rocks...lots and lots of rocks. Not in the neatly-labled sort of way, more like the cover-every-suface and fill-up-bowls kind of way.
3.) My charm bracelet has over 70 charms and all of them have special significance. It also doubles as a weapon.
4.) My favorite flowers are daffodils, violets and lilacs.
5.) I'm a Ren Faire junkie.
6.) I like to cross stitch and frequently make up my own designs.